February 2025 Updates

Okay Kids,

On Navigating the Blog:
-Initial posts were backdated to preserve the order of the blog (in the style of Eternalism or Carlo Rovelli), but as content expands, temporal accuracy turns increasingly helpful/useful.

-As of July 2024, dates are real.

-All blog posts are considered drafts. Their status is noted at the top of the post under the heading "text iteration."

-Temporal metaphors are used to describe the maturity status of a draft. "Witching hour" is the earliest version of a draft; "midnight" is the latest version of a draft.

-The revised version of Force over Distance has been posted to AO3, if you'd like to say hi. Every so often, I comb its hair (aka fix a typo).

-Mathématique is in the spotlight, soaking up most of my writing/editing time with new chapters and simultaneous edits, which are also going up on AO3. It's a monster. It's sucking the marrow from my bones and the electrical potential from my brain. What a way to go.

-Ad Noctum is backstage, chewing on scenery and rattling sabers and I swear it's gonna break out of it's cage again soon.

-Designations Congruent with Things really had to return to AO3 on January 12, 2025. Its Prequel-Sequel (Out of Many Scattered Things) and its Sequel/Prequel (Aftermath) will eventually make their way there as well.

-Light in Glass, a multi-chapter Star Wars story (god help me), is making a slow and low-key debut.

Check out readbyelementals for completed chapters or stream The Work Feed (a podcast of audio drafts maintained by elementals) by pasting this RSS feed into a podcast app that supports private URLs (Spotify won’t, Apple will…): https://www.readbyelementals.net/t/proofpod/proofpod.xml

Other Magic:
Ril of Mythril Thread Books has hand-bound Force over Distance into a stunning work of art.

Latest Releases:
Multiverse Triptych: Maths Chapter 88
Pacific Rim: Everything is up
Star Wars: LiG Chapter 1

Narrative Updates:

The Maths Revision Wave has crested and is flowing back to sea. New Maths content is taking center stage.

Current Vibe:

Life is a bright gate. Be brave, kids.

Wishing you the best,

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