Welcome: This revision/update to Designations Congruent with Things (and Other Subsymbolic Networks) in the form of a low-key, low-fi, bare-bones blog is about sharing what I have with the people who want it. Let's keep it chill, kids.
Unhelpful summary of Designations: What happens to a fraction of a hive mind?
Notes about the stories: These are transformative works, meaning they're "fan fiction," much like Ulysses, The Call of the Wild, or anything you'll find on AO3. Designations Congruent with Things is an epic-length AU full of experimental prose and non-linear timelines. It provides an alternate-history bracketing of the movie Pacific Rim. Please don't repost to other sites, but it's okay to link to this site.
Warnings: Rated R [movies]. Rated M [video games and AO3]. This one contains realistic depictions of neurological, physical, and bureaucratic trauma. It's about PTSD and mental illness. It's been my experience that this collection of stories can induce love, panic, anxiety, sadness, joy, sublimity, euphoria, and rage. Don't read it unless you're braced in who you are. Stop reading if it triggers you. All of that being everything I write, I consider this a hopeful story about the ways to carry something beautiful in your heart when facing death and civilization-ending horrors.
Where was this for a decade: Licking its wounds in a cave under the sea.
This is fiction: A story, not an ethical framework or moral argument. I understand that romanticization of mental illness is currently considered a societal evil. But kids...can we not find bioluminescent night orchids in even the darkest forest?
Relationships: Newton Geszler/Hermann Gottlieb working out the finer details of what is, effectively, an asexual relationship.
Permissions: Anything done with love and attribution is okay by me. Translations, art, commentary, bookbinding, playlists, podcasts, fanfic, the years-long work of ghostly archivists...
Please don't: post to other sites do any monetization around anything involving this work. It was created for free, and it's meant to stay that way!
Please do: use the contact form to let me know if you create a related work you want me (or others) to see. I'll include a link to it in the Other Magic section of my Updates post at the top of the blog.
Out of Many Scattered Things: The Prequel Sequel
It was so satisfying to re-read all of these en masse. Each subsequent story adds complexity to already complex characters, and depth to an already deep world. Thank you for sharing them with us, in the past and now again!
ReplyDeleteIt was funny to re-read Designations with all its sci-fi predictions of years now in the past-- commonplace hyperloop, Portal 3, lightsaber-crafting montages and so much more. Clearly correct, just in another brane from ours :)
this means the world to me. ive read it all maybe six or seven times. it's difficult to overstate its impact, difficult to properly express my love for this story, and everything ive found in it. difficult to express my gratitude for the place it has in my life. im currently rereading it again. thank you, thank you, thank you.